Triangle Smart Divorce Founder & Attorney Selected For Inclusion In The Prestigious “Legal Elite 2024” List

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Wednesday, February 28, 2024 at 5:58am UTC

Founder Jenny Bradley and Attorney Lisa LeFante have been included in Business North Carolina’s esteemed list of Legal Elite 2024.


North Carolina, February 27, 2024— Business North Carolina is a publication that has been describing the status of North Carolina’s “economy ticks” since 1981. Their mission is “sharing, in a vivid way, the ups and downs of people, companies and institutions that play key roles in our dynamic state.” Their vast majority of journalists, editors, photographers, and other skilled staff are passionate about recognizing what’s happening in the business realm of NC. This year, Triangle Smart Divorce is on their radar, nominating two of the company’s own for a premier list that recognizes the state’s top lawyers.

The BNC magazine annually polls all North Carolina-based members of the State Bar to determine the state’s top attorneys. Inclusion in this exclusive list not only highlights Jenny and Lisa’s exceptional legal expertise but also reinforces Triangle Smart Divorce’s commitment to providing top-notch legal services. To create this list, Business North Carolina used DataJoe Research to facilitate an online peer-voting and internet research process, and 1,300 lawyers received votes.

CEO Mitzi Garnder remarked of the nomination, “Jenny and Lisa’s inclusion in Legal Elite 2024 is a testament to our firm’s dedication to excellence and the high caliber of professionals we have on our team.”

Director of Operations Renee Limpert added, “We are incredibly proud of Jenny and Lisa for receiving this well-deserved recognition. Their expertise, integrity, and commitment to excellence have not only positively impacted our organization but have also made a lasting impression on the legal community.”

Triangle Smart Divorce, started in 2017, isn’t your typical divorce firm. They go above and beyond traditional solutions to family law matters. Their firm is focused on eliminating the drama that can emerge in the midst of divorce, custody, and similar situations so that they can help their clients reach a favorable outcome for their family. They have 155+ 5-star Google reviews, 200+ years of combined experience, and are dedicated to protecting smart people from making stupid mistakes when getting married or divorced.

Divorce is difficult to navigate, but it doesn’t have to be done alone. Whether you’re considering your options for divorce, or your mind is already made up, Triangle Smart Divorce is here to help you navigate the journey ahead. Request a consultation from a family lawyer today.

Media Contact:

Mackenzie Gokey


Triangle Smart Divorce

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